Source code for rstcheck_core.types

"""Helper types."""
import pathlib
import typing as t

from . import _compat as _t

SourceFileOrString = t.Union[pathlib.Path, _t.Literal["<string>"], _t.Literal["<stdin>"]]
"""Path to source file or if it is a string then '<string>' or '<stdin>'."""

[docs]class LintError(_t.TypedDict): """Dict with information about an linting error.""" source_origin: SourceFileOrString line_number: int message: str
YieldedLintError = t.Generator[LintError, None, None] """Yielded version of type :py:class:`LintError`."""
[docs]class IgnoreDict(_t.TypedDict): """Dict with ignore information.""" # NOTE: Pattern type-arg errors pydanic: messages: t.Optional[t.Pattern] # type: ignore[type-arg] languages: t.List[str] directives: t.List[str] roles: t.List[str] substitutions: t.List[str]
[docs]def construct_ignore_dict( # NOTE: Pattern type-arg errors pydanic: messages: t.Optional[t.Pattern] = None, # type: ignore[type-arg] languages: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None, directives: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None, roles: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None, substitutions: t.Optional[t.List[str]] = None, ) -> IgnoreDict: """Create an :py:class:`IgnoreDict` with passed values or defaults. :param messages: Value for :py:attr:`IgnoreDict.messages`; :py:obj:`None` results in an empty list; defaults to :py:obj:`None` :param directives: Value for :py:attr:`IgnoreDict.directives`; :py:obj:`None` results in an empty list; defaults to :py:obj:`None` :param roles: Value for :py:attr:`IgnoreDict.roles`; :py:obj:`None` results in an empty list; defaults to :py:obj:`None` :param substitutions: Value for :py:attr:`IgnoreDict.substitutions`; :py:obj:`None` results in an empty list; defaults to :py:obj:`None` :return: :py:class:`IgnoreDict` with passed values or defaults """ return IgnoreDict( messages=messages, languages=languages if languages is not None else [], directives=directives if directives is not None else [], roles=roles if roles is not None else [], substitutions=substitutions if substitutions is not None else [], )
CheckerRunFunction = t.Callable[..., YieldedLintError] """Function to run checks. Returned by :py:meth:`rstcheck_core.checker.CodeBlockChecker.create_checker`. """
[docs]class InlineConfig(_t.TypedDict): """Dict with a config key and config value comming from a inline config comment.""" key: str value: str
[docs]class InlineFlowControl(_t.TypedDict): """Dict with a flow control value and line number comming from a inline config comment.""" value: str line_number: int