Source code for rstcheck_core.runner

"""Runner of rstcheck_core."""
import logging
import multiprocessing
import os
import pathlib
import re
import sys
import typing as t

from . import _sphinx, checker, config, types

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RstcheckMainRunner: """Main runner of rstcheck_core.""" def __init__( self, check_paths: t.List[pathlib.Path], rstcheck_config: config.RstcheckConfig, overwrite_config: bool = True, ) -> None: """Initialize the :py:class:`RstcheckMainRunner` with a base config. :param check_paths: Files to check. :param rstcheck_config: Base configuration config from e.g. the CLI. :param overwrite_config: If file config overwrites current config; defaults to True """ self.config = rstcheck_config self.overwrite_config = overwrite_config if rstcheck_config.config_path: self.load_config_file( rstcheck_config.config_path, rstcheck_config.warn_unknown_settings or False ) self.check_paths = check_paths self._files_to_check: t.List[pathlib.Path] = [] self._nonexisting_paths: t.List[pathlib.Path] = [] self.update_file_list() pool_size = multiprocessing.cpu_count() # NOTE: Work around self._pool_size = pool_size if sys.platform != "win32" else min(pool_size, 61) self.errors: t.List[types.LintError] = [] @property def files_to_check(self) -> t.List[pathlib.Path]: """List of files to check. This list is updated via the :py:meth:`RstcheckMainRunner.update_file_list` method. """ return self._files_to_check @property def nonexisting_paths(self) -> t.List[pathlib.Path]: """List of paths which do not exist. This list is updated via the :py:meth:`RstcheckMainRunner.update_file_list` method. """ return self._nonexisting_paths
[docs] def load_config_file( self, config_path: pathlib.Path, warn_unknown_settings: bool = False ) -> None: """Load config from file and merge with current config. If the loaded file config overwrites the current config depends on the ``self.overwrite_config`` attribute set on initialization. :param config_path: Path to config file; can be directory or file :param warn_unknown_settings: If a warning should be logged for unknown settings in config file; defaults to :py:obj:`False` """"Load config file for main runner: '{config_path}'.") file_config = config.load_config_file_from_path( config_path, warn_unknown_settings=warn_unknown_settings ) if file_config is None: logger.warning("Config file was empty or not found.") return logger.debug( "Merging config from file into main config. " f"File config is dominant: {self.overwrite_config}" ) self.config = config.merge_configs( self.config, file_config, config_add_is_dominant=self.overwrite_config )
[docs] def update_file_list(self) -> None: # noqa: CCR001 """Update file path list with paths specified on initialization. Uses paths from ``RstcheckMainRunner.check_paths``, resolves all file paths and saves them in :py:attr:`RstcheckMainRunner.files_to_check`. If a given path does not exist, it is filtered out and saved in :py:attr:`RstcheckMainRunner.files_to_check`. Clear the current file list. Then get the file and directory paths specified with ``self.check_paths`` attribute set on initialization and search them for rst files to check. Add those files to the file list. """ # noqa: Q440,Q441,Q447,Q449 logger.debug("Updating list of files to check.") paths = list(self.check_paths) self._files_to_check = [] if len(paths) == 1 and paths[0].name == "-":"'-' detected. Using stdin for input.'") self._files_to_check.append(paths[0]) return paths = self._filter_nonexisting_paths(paths) checkable_rst_file: t.Callable[[pathlib.Path], bool] = ( lambda f: f.is_file() and not".") and f.suffix.casefold() == ".rst" ) while paths: path = paths.pop(0) resolved_path = path.resolve() if self.config.recursive and resolved_path.is_dir(): for root, directories, children in os.walk(path): root_path = pathlib.Path(root) paths += [ root_path / f for f in children if checkable_rst_file((root_path / f).resolve()) ] directories[:] = [d for d in directories if not d.startswith(".")] continue if checkable_rst_file(resolved_path): self._files_to_check.append(path)
def _filter_nonexisting_paths(self, paths: t.List[pathlib.Path]) -> t.List[pathlib.Path]: """Filter nonexisting paths out. If recursive is not active only files are allowed, else directories are also allowed. :param paths: List of paths to filter :return: Filtered path list """ self._nonexisting_paths = [] _paths = list(paths) for path in _paths: resolved_path = path.resolve() if resolved_path.is_file(): continue if self.config.recursive and resolved_path.is_dir(): continue _paths.remove(path) self._nonexisting_paths.append(path) if self.config.recursive: logger.warning( f"Path does not exist or is neither a file nor a directory: '{path}'." ) continue logger.warning(f"Path does not exist or is not a file: '{path}'.") return _paths def _run_checks_sync(self) -> t.List[t.List[types.LintError]]: """Check all files from the file list syncronously and return the errors. :return: List of lists of errors found per file """ logger.debug("Runnning checks synchronically.") with _sphinx.load_sphinx_if_available(): results = [ checker.check_file(file, self.config, self.overwrite_config) for file in self._files_to_check ] return results def _run_checks_parallel(self) -> t.List[t.List[types.LintError]]: """Check all files from the file list in parallel and return the errors. :return: List of lists of errors found per file """ logger.debug(f"Runnning checks in parallel with pool size of {self._pool_size}.") with _sphinx.load_sphinx_if_available(), multiprocessing.Pool(self._pool_size) as pool: results = pool.starmap( checker.check_file, [(file, self.config, self.overwrite_config) for file in self._files_to_check], ) return results def _update_results(self, results: t.List[t.List[types.LintError]]) -> None: """Take results and update error cache. Result normally come from :py:meth:`RstcheckMainRunner._run_checks_sync` or :py:meth:`RstcheckMainRunner._run_checks_parallel`. :param results: List of lists of errors found """ self.errors = [] for errors in results: self.errors += errors
[docs] def check(self) -> None: """Check all files in the file list and save the errors. Multiple files are run in parallel. A new call overwrite the old cached errors. """"Run checks for all files.") results = ( self._run_checks_parallel() if len(self._files_to_check) > 1 else self._run_checks_sync() ) self._update_results(results)
[docs] def print_result(self, output_file: t.Optional[t.TextIO] = None) -> int: """Print all cached error messages and return exit code. :param output_file: file to print to; defaults to sys.stderr (if ``None``) :return: exit code 0 if no error is printed; 1 if any error is printed """ if len(self.errors) == 0 and len(self._nonexisting_paths) == 0: print("Success! No issues detected.", file=output_file or sys.stdout) return 0 err_msg_regex = re.compile(r"\([A-Z]+/[0-9]+\)") for error in self.errors: err_msg = error["message"] if not err_msg_regex.match(err_msg): err_msg = "(ERROR/3) " + err_msg message = f"{error['source_origin']}:{error['line_number']}: {err_msg}" print(message, file=output_file or sys.stderr) print("Error! Issues detected.", file=output_file or sys.stderr) return 1
[docs] def run(self) -> int: # pragma: no cover """Run checks, print error messages and return the result. :return: exit code 0 if no error is printed; 1 if any error is printed """"Run checks and print results.") self.check() return self.print_result()