Source code for rstcheck_core.checker

"""Checking functionality."""
import contextlib
import copy
import doctest
import io
import json
import locale
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import re
import shlex
import subprocess  # noqa: S404
import sys
import tempfile
import typing as t
import warnings
import xml.etree.ElementTree  # noqa: S405

import docutils.core
import docutils.nodes
import docutils.utils

from . import _docutils, _extras, _sphinx, config, inline_config, types

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

EXCEPTION_LINE_NO_REGEX = re.compile(r": line\s+([0-9]+)[^:]*$")
DOCTEST_LINE_NO_REGEX = re.compile(r"line ([0-9]+)")
MARKDOWN_LINK_REGEX = re.compile(r"\[[^\]]+\]\([^\)]+\)")

[docs]def check_file( source_file: pathlib.Path, rstcheck_config: config.RstcheckConfig, overwrite_with_file_config: bool = True, ) -> t.List[types.LintError]: """Check the given file for issues. On every call docutils' caches for roles and directives are cleared by reloading their modules. :param source_file: Path to file to check :param rstcheck_config: Main configuration of the application :param overwrite_with_file_config: If the loaded file config should overwrite the ``rstcheck_config``; defaults to :py:obj:`True` :return: A list of found issues """"Check file'{source_file}'") run_config = _load_run_config(source_file.parent, rstcheck_config, overwrite_with_file_config) ignore_dict = _create_ignore_dict_from_config(run_config) source = _get_source(source_file) _docutils.clean_docutils_directives_and_roles_cache() with _sphinx.load_sphinx_if_available(): all_errors = [] for error in check_source( source, source_file=source_file, ignores=ignore_dict, report_level=run_config.report_level or config.DEFAULT_REPORT_LEVEL, warn_unknown_settings=run_config.warn_unknown_settings or False, ): all_errors.append(error) return all_errors
def _load_run_config( source_file_dir: pathlib.Path, rstcheck_config: config.RstcheckConfig, overwrite_config: bool = True, ) -> config.RstcheckConfig: """Load file specific config file and create run config. If the ``rstcheck_config`` does not contain a ``config_path`` the ``source_file_dir`` directory tree is searched for a config file to load and merge into the ``rstcheck_config``. The merge strategy is set via ``overwrite_config``. :param source_file_dir: Directory of the current file to check :param rstcheck_config: Main configuration of the application :param overwrite_config: If the loaded config should overwrite the ``rstcheck_config``; defaults to :py:obj:`True` :return: Merged config """ if rstcheck_config.config_path is not None: return rstcheck_config file_config = config.load_config_file_from_dir_tree(source_file_dir) if file_config is None: return rstcheck_config run_config = config.merge_configs( copy.copy(rstcheck_config), file_config, config_add_is_dominant=overwrite_config ) return run_config def _get_source(source_file: pathlib.Path) -> str: """Get source from file or stdin. If the file name is "-" then stdin is read for input instead of a file. :param source_file: File path to read contents from :return: Loaded content """ if == "-":"Load source from stdin.") return resolved_file_path = source_file.resolve() with contextlib.closing( as input_file: return def _replace_ignored_substitutions(source: str, ignore_substitutions: t.List[str]) -> str: """Replace rst substitutions from the ignore list with a dummy. :param source: Source to replace substitutions in :param ignore_substitutions: Substitutions to replace with dummy :return: Cleaned source """ for substitution in ignore_substitutions: source = source.replace(f"|{substitution}|", f"x{substitution}x") return source def _create_ignore_dict_from_config(rstcheck_config: config.RstcheckConfig) -> types.IgnoreDict: """Extract ignore settings from config and create a :py:class:`rstcheck_core.types.IgnoreDict`. :param rstcheck_config: Config to extract ignore settings from :return: :py:class:`rstcheck_core.types.IgnoreDict` """ return types.construct_ignore_dict( messages=rstcheck_config.ignore_messages, languages=rstcheck_config.ignore_languages, directives=rstcheck_config.ignore_directives, roles=rstcheck_config.ignore_roles, substitutions=rstcheck_config.ignore_substitutions, )
[docs]def check_source( # noqa: CCR001 source: str, source_file: t.Optional[pathlib.Path] = None, ignores: t.Optional[types.IgnoreDict] = None, report_level: config.ReportLevel = config.DEFAULT_REPORT_LEVEL, warn_unknown_settings: bool = False, ) -> types.YieldedLintError: """Check the given rst source for issues. :param source_file: Path to file the source comes from if it comes from a file; defaults to :py:obj:`None` :param ignores: Ignore information; defaults to :py:obj:`None` :param report_level: Report level; defaults to :py:data:`rstcheck_core.config.DEFAULT_REPORT_LEVEL` :param warn_unknown_settings: If a warning should be logged for unknown settings in config file; defaults to :py:obj:`False` :return: :py:obj:`None` :yield: Found issues """ source_origin: types.SourceFileOrString = source_file or "<string>" if isinstance(source_origin, pathlib.Path) and == "-": source_origin = "<stdin>""Check source from '{source_origin}'") ignores = ignores or types.construct_ignore_dict() ignores["directives"].extend( inline_config.find_ignored_directives(source, source_origin, warn_unknown_settings) ) ignores["roles"].extend( inline_config.find_ignored_roles(source, source_origin, warn_unknown_settings) ) ignores["substitutions"].extend( inline_config.find_ignored_substitutions(source, source_origin, warn_unknown_settings) ) ignores["languages"].extend( inline_config.find_ignored_languages(source, source_origin, warn_unknown_settings) ) source = _replace_ignored_substitutions(source, ignores["substitutions"]) _docutils.register_code_directive( ignore_code_directive="code" in ignores["directives"], ignore_codeblock_directive="code-block" in ignores["directives"], ignore_sourcecode_directive="sourcecode" in ignores["directives"], ) _docutils.ignore_directives_and_roles(ignores["directives"] or [], ignores["roles"] or []) if _extras.SPHINX_INSTALLED: _sphinx.load_sphinx_ignores() writer = _CheckWriter(source, source_origin, ignores, report_level) string_io = io.StringIO() # This is a hack to avoid false positive from docutils (#23). docutils mistakes BOMs for actual # visible letters. This results in the "underline too short" warning firing. # This is tested in the CLI integration tests with the `testing/examples/good/bom.rst` file. with contextlib.suppress(UnicodeError): source = source.encode("utf-8").decode("utf-8-sig") with contextlib.suppress(docutils.utils.SystemMessage): # Sphinx will sometimes throw an `AttributeError` trying to access # "self.state.document.settings.env". Ignore this for now until we # figure out a better approach. try: docutils.core.publish_string( source, writer=writer, source_path=str(source_origin), settings_overrides={ "halt_level": 5, "report_level": report_level.value, "warning_stream": string_io, }, ) except AttributeError: if not _extras.SPHINX_INSTALLED: raise logger.critical( "An `AttributeError` error occured. This is most propably due to a code block " "directive (code/code-block/sourcecode) without a specified language. " f"This may result in a false negative for source: '{source_origin}'. " "See" "#code-blocks-without-language-sphinx for more information." ) yield from _run_code_checker_and_filter_errors(writer.checkers, ignores["messages"]) rst_errors = string_io.getvalue().strip() if not rst_errors: return yield from _parse_and_filter_rst_errors(rst_errors, source_origin, ignores["messages"])
def _run_code_checker_and_filter_errors( checker_list: t.List[types.CheckerRunFunction], # NOTE: Pattern type-arg errors pydanic: ignore_messages: t.Optional[t.Pattern] = None, # type: ignore[type-arg] ) -> types.YieldedLintError: """Run all code block checker functions. :param checker_list: List of code block checker functions :param ignore_messages: Regex for ignoring error messages; defaults to :py:obj:`None` :return: :py:obj:`None` :yield: Filtered :py:class:`rstcheck_core.types.LintError` s from run checker function """ for checker in checker_list: for lint_error in checker(): if ignore_messages and["message"]): continue yield lint_error def _parse_and_filter_rst_errors( rst_errors: str, # NOTE: Pattern type-arg errors pydanic: source_origin: types.SourceFileOrString, ignore_messages: t.Optional[t.Pattern] = None, # type: ignore[type-arg] ) -> types.YieldedLintError: """Parse rst errors and yield filtered :py:class:`rstcheck_core.types.LintError`. :param rst_errors: String with rst errors :param source_origin: Origin of the source with the errors :param ignore_messages: Regex for ignoring error messages; defaults to :py:obj:`None` :return: :py:obj:`None` :yield: Parsed and filtered :py:class:`rstcheck_core.types.LintError` s """ for message in rst_errors.splitlines(): with contextlib.suppress(ValueError): if ignore_messages and continue yield _parse_gcc_style_error_message( message, source_origin=source_origin, has_column=False ) class _CheckWriter(docutils.writers.Writer): """Runs CheckTranslator on code blocks.""" def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self, source: str, source_origin: types.SourceFileOrString, ignores: t.Optional[types.IgnoreDict] = None, report_level: config.ReportLevel = config.DEFAULT_REPORT_LEVEL, warn_unknown_settings: bool = False, ) -> None: """Inititalize :py:class:`_CheckWriter`. :param source: Rst source to check :param source_origin: Path to file the source comes from :param ignores: Ignore information; defaults to :py:obj:`None` :param report_level: Report level; defaults to :py:data:`rstcheck_core.config.DEFAULT_REPORT_LEVEL` :param warn_unknown_settings: If a warning should be logged for unknown settings in config file; defaults to :py:obj:`False` """ docutils.writers.Writer.__init__(self) self.checkers: t.List[types.CheckerRunFunction] = [] self.source = source self.source_origin = source_origin self.ignores = ignores self.report_level = report_level self.warn_unknown_settings = warn_unknown_settings def translate(self) -> None: """Run CheckTranslator.""" visitor = _CheckTranslator( self.document, source=self.source, source_origin=self.source_origin, ignores=self.ignores, report_level=self.report_level, warn_unknown_settings=self.warn_unknown_settings, ) self.document.walkabout(visitor) self.checkers += visitor.checkers class _CheckTranslator(docutils.nodes.NodeVisitor): # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes """Visits code blocks and checks for syntax errors in code.""" def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments self, document: docutils.nodes.document, source: str, source_origin: types.SourceFileOrString, ignores: t.Optional[types.IgnoreDict] = None, report_level: config.ReportLevel = config.DEFAULT_REPORT_LEVEL, warn_unknown_settings: bool = False, ) -> None: """Inititalize :py:class:`_CheckTranslator`. :param document: Document node :param source: Rst source to check :param source_origin: Path to file the source comes from :param ignores: Ignore information; defaults to :py:obj:`None` :param report_level: Report level; defaults to :py:data:`rstcheck_core.config.DEFAULT_REPORT_LEVEL` :param warn_unknown_settings: If a warning should be logged for unknown settings in config file; defaults to :py:obj:`False` """ docutils.nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, document) self.checkers: t.List[types.CheckerRunFunction] = [] self.source = source self.source_origin = source_origin self.ignores = ignores or types.construct_ignore_dict() self.report_level = report_level self.warn_unknown_settings = warn_unknown_settings self.code_block_checker = CodeBlockChecker( source_origin, ignores, report_level, warn_unknown_settings ) self.code_block_ignore_lines = list( inline_config.find_code_block_ignore_lines( source=self.source, source_origin=self.source_origin, warn_unknown_settings=self.warn_unknown_settings, ) ) def visit_doctest_block(self, node: docutils.nodes.Element) -> None: """Add check for syntax of doctest. :param node: The doctest node """ if "doctest" in self.ignores["languages"]: return self._add_check( node=node, run=self.code_block_checker.create_checker(node.rawsource, "doctest"), language="doctest", is_code_node=False, ) def visit_literal_block(self, node: docutils.nodes.Element) -> None: """Add check for syntax of code block. :param node: The code block node :raises docutils.nodes.SkipNode: After a check was added or nothing to do """ # For "..code-block:: language" language = node.get("language") is_code_node = False if not language: # For "..code:: language" is_code_node = True classes = node.get("classes") if "code" not in classes: return language = classes[-1] directive_line = _get_code_block_directive_line(node, self.source) if directive_line is None: logger.error( "Could not find line for literal block directive. " f"Source: '{self.source_origin}' at line {node.line}" ) return if directive_line - 1 in self.code_block_ignore_lines: logger.debug( "Skipping code-block due to skip comment. " f"Source: '{self.source_origin}' at line {node.line}" ) return if language in self.ignores["languages"]: return if language == "doctest" or ( language == "python" and node.rawsource.lstrip().startswith(">>> ") ): self.visit_doctest_block(node) raise docutils.nodes.SkipNode if self.code_block_checker.language_is_supported(language): run = self.code_block_checker.create_checker(node.rawsource, language) self._add_check(node=node, run=run, language=language, is_code_node=is_code_node) raise docutils.nodes.SkipNode def visit_paragraph(self, node: docutils.nodes.Element) -> None: """Check syntax of reStructuredText. :param node: The rst node """ find = if find is not None: self.document.reporter.warning( "(rst) Link is formatted in Markdown style.", base_node=node ) def _add_check( # noqa: CCR001 self, node: docutils.nodes.Element, run: types.CheckerRunFunction, language: str, is_code_node: bool, ) -> None: """Add node checker that will be run. :param node: The node to check :param run: The runner function that checks the node :param language: The language of the node :param is_code_node: If it is a code block node """ def run_check() -> types.YieldedLintError: # noqa: CCR001 """Yield found issues.""" all_results = run() if all_results is not None: if all_results: for result in all_results: error_offset = result["line_number"] - 1 line_number = getattr(node, "line", None) if line_number is not None: yield types.LintError( source_origin=result["source_origin"], line_number=_beginning_of_code_block( node=node, line_number=line_number, full_contents=self.source, is_code_node=is_code_node, ) + error_offset, message=f"({language}) {result['message']}", ) else: yield types.LintError( source_origin=self.source_origin, line_number=0, message="unknown error" ) self.checkers.append(run_check) def unknown_visit(self, node: docutils.nodes.Node) -> None: """Ignore.""" def unknown_departure(self, node: docutils.nodes.Node) -> None: """Ignore.""" def _beginning_of_code_block( node: docutils.nodes.Element, line_number: int, full_contents: str, is_code_node: bool ) -> int: """Get line number of beginning of code block. :param node: The code block node :param line_number: The current line number :param full_contents: The node's contents :param is_code_node: If it is a code block node :return: First fine number of the block """ if _extras.SPHINX_INSTALLED and not is_code_node: sphinx_code_block_delta = -1 delta = len(node.non_default_attributes()) current_line_contents = full_contents.splitlines()[line_number:] blank_lines = next((i for (i, x) in enumerate(current_line_contents) if x), 0) return line_number + delta - 1 + blank_lines - 1 + sphinx_code_block_delta lines = full_contents.splitlines() code_block_length = len(node.rawsource.splitlines()) with contextlib.suppress(IndexError): # Case where there are no extra spaces. if lines[line_number - 1].strip(): return line_number - code_block_length + 1 # The offsets are wrong if the RST text has multiple blank lines after # the code block. This is a workaround. for line_no in range(line_number, 1, -1): if lines[line_no - 2].strip(): break return line_no - code_block_length CODE_BLOCK_RE = re.compile(r"\.\. code::|\.\. code-block::|\.\. sourcecode::") def _get_code_block_directive_line( node: docutils.nodes.Element, full_contents: str ) -> t.Optional[int]: """Find line of code block directive. :param node: The code block node :param full_contents: The node's contents :return: Line of code block directive or :py:obj:`None` """ line_number = node.line if line_number is None: return None if _extras.SPHINX_INSTALLED: return line_number lines = full_contents.splitlines() for line_no in range(line_number, 1, -1): if CODE_BLOCK_RE.match(lines[line_no - 2].strip()) is not None: return line_no - 1 return None
[docs]class CodeBlockChecker: """Checker for code blockes with different languages.""" def __init__( self, source_origin: types.SourceFileOrString, ignores: t.Optional[types.IgnoreDict] = None, report_level: config.ReportLevel = config.DEFAULT_REPORT_LEVEL, warn_unknown_settings: bool = False, ) -> None: """Inititalize CodeBlockChecker. :param source_origin: Path to file the source comes from :param ignores: Ignore information; defaults to :py:obj:`None` :param report_level: Report level; defaults to :py:data:`rstcheck_core.config.DEFAULT_REPORT_LEVEL` :param warn_unknown_settings: If a warning should be logged for unknown settings in config file; defaults to :py:obj:`False` """ self.source_origin = source_origin self.ignores = ignores self.report_level = report_level self.warn_unknown_settings = warn_unknown_settings
[docs] def language_is_supported(self, language: str) -> bool: """Check if given language can be checked. :param language: Language to check :return: If langauge can be checked """ return getattr(self, f"check_{language}", None) is not None
[docs] def create_checker(self, source_code: str, language: str) -> types.CheckerRunFunction: """Create a checker function for the given source and language. :param source: Source code to check :param language: Language of the source code :return: Checker function """ return lambda: self.check(source_code, language)
[docs] def check(self, source_code: str, language: str) -> types.YieldedLintError: """Call the appropiate checker function for the given langauge to check given source. :param source: Source code to check :param language: Language of the source code :return: :py:obj:`None` if language is not supported :yield: Found issues """ checker_function = t.Callable[[str], types.YieldedLintError] checker: t.Optional[checker_function] = getattr(self, f"check_{language}", None) if checker is None: return None yield from checker(source_code) return None
[docs] def check_python(self, source_code: str) -> types.YieldedLintError: """Check python source for syntax errors. :param source: Python source code to check :return: :py:obj:`None` :yield: Found issues """ logger.debug("Check python source.") try: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter("error", SyntaxWarning) compile(source_code, "<string>", "exec") except SyntaxError as exception: yield types.LintError( source_origin=self.source_origin, line_number=int(exception.lineno or 0), message=exception.msg, )
[docs] def check_json(self, source_code: str) -> types.YieldedLintError: """Check JSON source for syntax errors. :param source: JSON source code to check :return: :py:obj:`None` :yield: Found issues """ logger.debug("Check JSON source.") try: json.loads(source_code) except ValueError as exception: message = f"{exception}" found = line_number = int( if found else 0 yield types.LintError( source_origin=self.source_origin, line_number=int(line_number), message=message )
[docs] def check_xml(self, source_code: str) -> types.YieldedLintError: """Check XML source for syntax errors. :param source: XML source code to check :return: :py:obj:`None` :yield: Found issues """ logger.debug("Check XML source.") try: xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(source_code) # noqa: S314 except xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError as exception: message = f"{exception}" found = line_number = int( if found else 0 yield types.LintError( source_origin=self.source_origin, line_number=int(line_number), message=message )
[docs] def check_rst(self, source_code: str) -> types.YieldedLintError: """Check nested rst source for syntax errors. :param source: rst source code to check :return: :py:obj:`None` :yield: Found issues """ logger.debug("Check RST source.") yield from check_source( source_code, source_file=None, ignores=self.ignores, report_level=self.report_level, warn_unknown_settings=self.warn_unknown_settings, )
[docs] def check_doctest(self, source_code: str) -> types.YieldedLintError: """Check doctest source for syntax errors. This does not run the test as that would be unsafe. Nor does this check the Python syntax in the doctest. That could be purposely incorrect for testing purposes. :param source: XML source code to check :return: :py:obj:`None` :yield: Found issues """ logger.debug("Check doctest source.") parser = doctest.DocTestParser() try: parser.parse(source_code) except ValueError as exception: message = f"{exception}" match = DOCTEST_LINE_NO_REGEX.match(message) if match: yield types.LintError( source_origin=self.source_origin, line_number=int(, message=message, )
[docs] def check_bash(self, source_code: str) -> types.YieldedLintError: """Check bash source for syntax errors. :param source: bash source code to check :return: :py:obj:`None` :yield: Found issues """ logger.debug("Check bash source.") result = self._run_in_subprocess(source_code, ".bash", ["bash", "-n"]) if result: (output, filename) = result prefix = str(filename) + ": line " for line in output.splitlines(): if not line.startswith(prefix): # pragma: no cover # NOTE: Case not reproducible continue message = line[len(prefix) :] split_message = message.split(":", 1) yield types.LintError( source_origin=self.source_origin, line_number=int(split_message[0]) - 1, message=split_message[1].strip(), )
[docs] def check_c(self, source_code: str) -> types.YieldedLintError: """Check C source for syntax errors. :param source: C source code to check :return: :py:obj:`None` :yield: Found issues """ logger.debug("Check C source.") return self._gcc_checker( source_code, ".c", [os.getenv("CC", "gcc")] + shlex.split(os.getenv("CFLAGS", "")) + shlex.split(os.getenv("CPPFLAGS", "")) + ["-I.", "-I.."], )
[docs] def check_cpp(self, source_code: str) -> types.YieldedLintError: """Check C++ source for syntax errors. :param source: C++ source code to check :return: :py:obj:`None` :yield: Found issues """ logger.debug("Check C++ source.") yield from self._gcc_checker( # Add a newline to ignore "no newline at end of file" errors # that are reported using clang (e.g. on macOS). source_code + "\n", ".cpp", [os.getenv("CXX", "g++")] + shlex.split(os.getenv("CXXFLAGS", "")) + shlex.split(os.getenv("CPPFLAGS", "")) + ["-I.", "-I.."], )
def _gcc_checker( self, source_code: str, filename_suffix: str, arguments: t.List[str] ) -> types.YieldedLintError: """Check code blockes using gcc (Helper function). :param source_code: Source code to check :param filename_suffix: File suffix for language of the source code :param arguments: Command and arguments to run :return: :py:obj:`None` :yield: Found issues """ result = self._run_in_subprocess( source_code, filename_suffix, arguments + ["-pedantic", "-fsyntax-only"] ) if result: (output, temp_file_name) = result for line in output.splitlines(): try: yield _parse_gcc_style_error_message(line, source_origin=temp_file_name) except ValueError: continue def _run_in_subprocess( self, code: str, filename_suffix: str, arguments: t.List[str], ) -> t.Optional[t.Tuple[str, pathlib.Path]]: """Run checker in a subprocess (Helper function). :param source_code: Source code to check :param filename_suffix: File suffix for language of the source code :param arguments: Command and arguments to run :return: :py:obj:`None` if no issues were found else a tuple of the stderr and temp-file name """ encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() or sys.getdefaultencoding() source_origin_path = self.source_origin if isinstance(source_origin_path, str): source_origin_path = pathlib.Path(source_origin_path) # NOTE: On windows a file cannot be opened twice. # Therefore close it before using it in subprocess. temporary_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( # pylint: disable=consider-using-with mode="wb", suffix=filename_suffix, delete=False ) temporary_file_path = pathlib.Path( try: temporary_file.write(code.encode("utf-8")) temporary_file.flush() temporary_file.close() result = # pylint: disable=subprocess-run-check # noqa: S603 arguments + [], capture_output=True, cwd=source_origin_path.parent, ) if result.returncode != 0: return (result.stderr.decode(encoding), temporary_file_path) return None finally: temporary_file_path.unlink()
def _parse_gcc_style_error_message( message: str, source_origin: types.SourceFileOrString, has_column: bool = True ) -> types.LintError: """Parse GCC-style error message. Return (line_number, message). Raise ValueError if message cannot be parsed. :param message: Message to parse :param filename: File the message is associated with :param has_column: The the message has a column number; defaults to :py:obj:`True` :raises ValueError: If the message cannot be parsed :return: Parsed message """ colons = 2 if has_column else 1 prefix = str(source_origin) + ":" if not message.startswith(prefix): logger.debug(f"Skipping unparsable message: '{message}'.") raise ValueError("Message cannot be parsed.") message = message[len(prefix) :] split_message = message.split(":", colons) line_number = int(split_message[0]) return types.LintError( source_origin=source_origin, line_number=line_number, message=split_message[colons].strip() )